Monday, May 18, 2015

Happy Sprinter!

When we drove to church this morning, it was drizzling and super windy.  North Dakota type windy.  You had to basically run across the parking lot to keep in a forward motion.
When we got out of church, it was starting to hail, and the wind was blowing so hard, it whirled around and pelted you right in the side of the face. The temperature was starting to drop drastically, as well.  We were staying at the church to have a birthday party for Kaya, Kaitlyn's friend.  By the time it was over, there was a full-on blizzard outside.  Snow was swirling around, and starting to rapidly accumulate, and the roads were very icy.  I was shocked.  This was probably only the second Sunday, since we've lived here, that I didn't grab our coats before we left home.  We all regretted it.  It was freezing out!  We had to stop and grab some groceries on the way home, and we watched as big trucks half slid around the corner that they were turning.
This was the snow accumulation on our back porch when we got home.

I suppose I shouldn't have put away the winter clothes yet, but good grief... it's the middle of MAY!
So, I guess... Happy Sprinter!

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