Sunday, January 17, 2010

Tree debris

In the past, when it's time for the Christmas tree to come down, I carefully take all the ornaments off, and we carry it outside to strip off the lights (to prevent needles from covering the floor). Last week, when I was taking the tree down a little after midnight, and it was below freezing outside, I decided to take the lights off in the house so I wouldn't have to freeze. Once we finally got the tree outside, this is what the living room floor looked like. The tree was so dry, there were needles and branches everywhere! My hands and arms looked like I had gotten in a fight with a really big cat... and it won! When it was all said and done, I was wishing I hadn't been such a wimp about the cold. I have a Kirby vacuum, but when I pulled it out, I think I heard it laughing at me! Our house still has a bit of a pine scent (or maybe that's burning rubber from the vacuum belt getting so hot and overworked! ;0)

In the middle of the clean-up, the thought always crosses my mind, "Maybe next year we should invest in an artificial tree". However, when December rolls around again, I seem to have the memory of a goldfish, and get excited about the torture all over again!
So, until next year...

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