Saturday, September 4, 2010

Baby update

We had a doctor appointment today and another ultrasound to check the growth of the baby. The ultrasound a month ago showed that he was an estimated 2lbs. 12oz, and in the 49th percentile for growth, today he was an estimated 4lbs. 2oz, and in the 33rd percentile. He is also in the breech position, but my doctor isn't too concerned about the baby's growth or the fact that he's breech at this point. There is plenty of fluid around the baby, and since he's not really big yet, she feels that there's plenty of time for him to change positions. We will have another ultrasound in 3 weeks to recheck growth and position. She made sure to let us know that the best way to track growth is with serial ultrasounds because there is a margin of error that has to be considered. She also stated that if this had been the only ultrasound we had performed, she would not be concerned with him only being in the 33rd percentile. Most of the weight is gained in the last 4-6 weeks anyway. (Hopefully that doesn't mean for me too!)
Someone made the comment that I should be eating bricks of butter to fatten this kid up. I assured them that calories and fat are not the issue. Apparently, the memo isn't being passed on that the weight needs to go to the baby!
I was going to post an ultrasound picture, but it turned out really dark, and I didn't think it would scan very well. He looks pretty cute though... can't wait to meet the little guy!!

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