Saturday, December 6, 2014

Tree tradition

Our annual tradition continues... we went to get our Christmas tree with Papa and Granny yesterday.  We went to the place we've been going to for the past 4 years.  They only charge $25 for any tree over 8 feet, and ours is usually at least that.  The weather was perfect.  It was a little cold, but not raining.  It was a bit muddy because it had been raining all week, but at least we didn't get wet!  The kids loved the opportunity to wear their rain boots and walk through the mud puddles.
On the prowl for the perfect tree.
It only took us a few minutes to find the perfect one.  It was between 10 and 11 feet tall. We found a couple of really nice ones, but Talon and Kaitlyn kept saying they didn't want them, so we continued on. I finally asked them what was wrong with the trees we had seen.  They said, "Nothing really, we just don't want to go yet." What? Crazy kids! I told them I would go sit in the warm van, and they could wander around in the cold until they got tired. They didn't seem to like that idea much.
Following the tractor back to the truck
We went out for Mexican food for dinner.  It had been quite a day.  I worked the night before, and only took a short nap before we went to get the tree.  Natalie didn't get much of a nap either.  We were kinda holding each other up at this point.

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