Monday, August 29, 2011

Katie Quip

While I was doing Kaitlyn's hair this morning, she kept moving her head around, so I said, "Kaitlyn Michelle, hold still!". A couple of seconds later, in a sweet little voice, she said, "I'm Sissy Achelle".
At breakfast we were discussing our names...
Me: "Kaitlyn, did you know Mommy's name is Candice Michelle? You were named Kaitlyn Michelle after me."
Talon: (Not wanting to be left out) "And what about my name?"
Me: " You were named after Uncle Shade. His name is Alfred Shade, Chantry is Chantry Shade, and you are Talon Shade. Pretty cool, huh?!"
Talon: "Yeah, and Chantry Shade is my cousin."
Kaitlyn: "And Lani Shade is MY cousin!"
Then after thinking for a second about what she had just said, she giggles....
Kaitlyn: "Oops, I mean Lani Achelle is my cousin!"

1 comment:

Beth said...

Too cute and so very sweet!!