Wednesday, July 20, 2011

9 months old

Nolan is 9 months old! He went for his check-up last week, and he weighs 21 lbs. 10 oz, and is 28.5 inches long. He is between the 50-60th percentile.

He is doing so much these days. He loves to roll around and scoot on the floor. He's refusing to crawl at this point (I guess he figures he can get around fast the way he's doing it now, so why change anything?). He does like to stand and walk around when we hold on to his hands. He finally got his first tooth, followed immediately by his second one.


He still hates his baby food and anything other than his bottle. His doctor thinks we should get a speech therapy consult, but we are trying to figure out if he CAN'T eat, or just WON'T. So far, we think it's an issue of just not wanting to. He hates his food and throws a fit when we try and feed him. Dr Kilty's concern was that he may have muscle control issues with his tongue. We're holding off for just a while and trying a few different feeding tricks before we rush to the speech therapist.

He loves spending time outside and likes playing in the grass. Probably one of his favorite things, though, is playing in his ExerSaucer on the back patio. One evening, the older two were playing in the pool, and he was out there just having a ball. So, I got the camera.... and he hammed it up!

With the cowlicks in his hair, it stands up in the form of a mohawk most of the time. I think it's adorable. He's already had his hair trimmed a couple of times.

I'm not even sure what he was so upset about, but he got very unhappy for some reason. This kid can THROW. A. FIT. Then, within a few seconds, he was just fine again.

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