Thursday, January 6, 2011

Talon Moment

Okay, so I realize my son may hate me when he gets older for some of these posts; but they're too funny not to blog about. Besides, I want to be able to look back and remember the funny things the kids did. So, here it goes...

We've been trying to get Talon potty-trained for a little over a year now. He does great during the day, but at night he still has issues. We think he just sleeps too deep. In any case, this morning after he got up, I had to strip his bed, so I decided to wash all of his and Sissy's blankets at the same time. Let me tell ya, it's quite a full load. If you only knew how many blankets the two kids have between them!
Usually, I strip the beds, then immediately put new sheets on while the others are in the wash. The kids aren't even aware of it most of the time. Today, I decided to wash them, and then put the same ones back on. Talon went in his room after breakfast, then came out and asked me where his blankets were. I told him that I had to wash them because he wet his bed. End of discussion.
Later in the evening, he came up to me...

Talon: "Thank you for washing my blankets, Mommy, they smell good!"
Me: "You're welcome! Now Mommy needs to go wash the sheets on her bed."
Talon: "Mommy, did you wet your bed, too?"

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