Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Katie Quip

Kaitlyn has a horrible habit of chewing on her fingernails and the end of her fingers. She does it so bad, she gets open sores that bleed, then cries because they hurt. We are constantly trying to get her to quit.
Last night we were walking through the store, I saw her chewing on her fingers, and I said, "Sissy, don't chew on your fingers." She replied, "I'm not. I was picking my nose!". (sigh!)

I must admit, I have a bad habit myself. When I'm thinking about something and really focusing, I tend to pick at my lip. I come by it honestly... my mom does the exact same thing. It drives Anthony nuts, but I usually don't even realize I'm doing it. On our way home from the store last night, Anthony and I were discussing something. From the back, I hear Talon ask, "Mommy, are you chewing on your fingers?". I told him, "No, Talon, I was just picking at my lip.". Kaitlyn instantly pipes up and says, "Mommy, I not chewing on my pingers, I'n pitting at my wip!".

Kaitlyn: "Mommy, I'n a good girl!"
Me: "Yeah, that's good, Sissy!"
Kaitlyn: "Daddy, I'n a good girl!"
Daddy: "Yeah. Do you like being a good girl?"
Kaitlyn: "No."

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