Monday, September 21, 2009

"Not Me!" Monday

I guess it's time once again to share what I've NOT been up to.

Of course, I did not take the kids outside and spend over a half hour snapping pictures of them playing in the grass. I didn't then come inside to download the pictures onto my computer only to find I hadn't put the memory card back in the camera from when I had used it earlier in the day. Not Me!

I did not head into the house after going grocery shopping, come back to get another load, and discover I had forgotten to turn off the car. Not Me!

After shopping at Target, I did not grab a quick Starbucks for Anthony and I, so of course my hands weren't full trying to push the cart and hold two cups in my hand. I didn't have to juggle a few things to get to my purse only to realize my keys were nowhere to be found, and had to go back into the store to find I had left them at the checkout stand. Not Me!

I didn't go to start the washer in the morning after breakfast, only to look inside and find the diapers I had changed just a short time before sitting on top of the towels. After all, what kind of a scatterbrained individual would toss the dirty diapers into the washer instead of the garbage? Not Me!

I didn't make a batch of pumpkin scones, then start cleaning up the kitchen and ignore the fact that the timer had gone off. So, naturally, I didn't smell something burning, only to look in the oven and find very dark triangular objects staring me in the face. Not Me!

I did not go to Albertson's on my way home from work, buy over 60 cans of miscellaneous soups because they were such a good deal, then leave them in the car to unload later because I was too tired (and lazy) to bring them in and put them away. Not Me!

Everyone knows I didn't fall down the stairs and almost break my ankle because I got in too big of a hurry and wasn't watching where I was going. Not Me!

As I read back over these I start to wonder about myself. Maybe I really DO need to seek help! ........ Nah, Not Me!!


Owen's Blog said...

You are so funny! Not you....NEVER! You are kind of scaring me! What do you do at work...that we NEVER know about??? Or that you never will admit?? Have a good day!!

Candice said...

Actually, I'm pretty good about owning up to the stupid things I've done. Last time, when I scanned my debit card to get in the PICU, the first thing I did was tell Kelly G. Her response... "You are such a RETARD!"