Talon likes to take a nap in our bed and put my mask on. Anthony laughs and calls it my 'Lone Ranger' mask. I have to tie knots in it so it actually fits on his head, but it's pretty cute! Of course, he only wears it for about 10 minutes, then he's ready to take it off. (Probably because it doesn't only cover his eyes, but most of his face!)
Yes, the yard work has begun! Let me just say that weeding and yard work is not exactly my favorite past time! This was the result of trimming the daffodil stems in just one of the flower beds along the back patio. They filled up our 95+ gallon yard debris container. We have flower beds around the entire perimeter of the house, and various ones throughout the yard around the trees. Looks like we have our work cut out for us as the weather continues to get nicer!
When I was growing up, during the Summer, my mom would go out daily- even get up early sometimes- and weed the flower beds and just spend hours watering and taking care of the plants and flowers. She said it was like medicine to her... she loved it! I did not inherit that gene, nor do I have any sort of a 'green thumb'. I think flowers are beautiful, and I really enjoy them... when someone else is taking care of them and doing the work. I love driving around and admiring other peoples' flowers and gardens. I guess it's just one of those things I don't have a lot of time for, so by the time I actually get to it, the task is so huge it seems overwhelming. I'd rather be spending my time outside playing with the kids, or relaxing with a book or something. Oh well! We're going to start planting our garden soon, and I'm really looking forward to having all the fresh vegetables, so who knows... maybe I'll learn to like yard work this year. I doubt it, but maybe!
This morning after I got home from work, I was getting the kids breakfast. I put Talon in his booster seat and he had a puzzled look on his face. He then pointed to my belly and said, "Mommy?... (long pause)... you got your tummy on?".
I laughed so hard. Apparently he's noticed that my stomach is indeed getting bigger!
For the past few weeks, Talon has tried to persuade me to bring him to work with me. Tonight was no exception. This was our conversation as I was getting ready to leave.
Talon:Mommy, you go to work? Me:Yes, Mommy has to go to work. Talon:You take care of babies? Me:Yup! Talon:Sick babies? Me:Yes, I take care of sick babies. Talon:But I like babies, too!
Kaitlyn loves feeding herself with utensils, but as you can see... she hasn't quite mastered the skill yet. We had mashed potatoes and gravy with dinner the past two nights, and she loves them. She definitely eats better when she feeds herself, but the rest of us about lose our appetite watching her. I guess it's all part of them learning to be independent, but it sure can be a messy process!
I never thought about there being a National Licorice Day, but it definitely makes sense. I sure do love Red Vines! It's one thing I actually crave when I'm pregnant. Anthony and I will both pick up packages periodically, but let me tell you... they don't last long around here. I, personally, can polish off a package pretty quickly. The kids see me open a package and their eyes light up. It's gotta be somewhat nutritious, right? After all... it has wheat flour. It'd sure be a sad day if I ever found out I was allergic to RED 40, though!
I went in to check on Kaitlyn last night. She was o-u-t... with some serious bed hair! She had only been asleep for a couple of hours. It's no wonder that her hair looks the way it does by the time she finally gets up in the morning!
I then went on to Talon's room, and this is how I found him sleeping. He looks how I feel sometimes... like I don't know if I even have the energy to make it into bed.
Crazy kids! No wonder we hear all kinds of noises in the night. The Lord only knows what kind of activity is going on!
These are some of the pictures that I took of the kids today. They were so cute, and I couldn't decide which ones to post, so I made a slide show of all my favorites. Kaitlyn loved her new dress and hat. She pranced back and forth in front of the big mirror, just looking at herself and smiling. Talon liked his "new shirt and best (vest)", but after he saw Kaitlyn, he asked me, "Where's my hat?". I told him he wasn't going to wear a hat, so he started insisting he wanted to wear Sissy's hat. Whenever she took it off, he'd try to snag it. I told him he was a boy, and boys don't wear pink hats with flowers. Somehow, he wasn't convinced, and really didn't care about the color. He just wanted a hat!
I can't believe how fast they are growing! As we were leaving for church, I kept making comments on how big Kaitlyn is getting. Anthony reminded me more than once that she's not a baby anymore. So true! She's becoming a little girl. She's got her own personality and her own opinion about things. She loves her big brother, and tries to copy everything he does. It's a bit scary at times! And Talon... he is turning into such a little man. I bought him a 3T outfit, thinking he'd be in it for quite a while, but nervous it would be huge on him. Nope... it fit great! He likes to have Daddy put cologne on him so he can smell good. He doesn't really care to sit on my lap during church anymore. He wants his own chair and his own song book so he can be a big boy and sing with everyone else. He wants his offering put into his pocket so he can dig it out and put it in the offering basket himself. Wow... they get independent fast!
We celebrated our 13th wedding anniversary in May. We live in Minot, North Dakota. Anthony is on the ministerial staff at our church, Apostolic Faith Church, and enjoys playing the guitar. Candice is an RN, and the Unit Manager of Pediatrics and the NICU at the hospital. We have 5 kids- Talon Shade, Kaitlyn Michelle, Nolan James, Natalie Danielle, and Olivia Ruth. We have 2 miniature Schnauzers- Kiki and Kallie. We love spending time together as a family!